Healthy ears improve our quality of life and facilitate our communication with others.

Don’t stay with hearing problems that affect your quality of life and come in for a hearing test!


Take a free hearing test to check the quality of your hearing and find out what solutions are available to you.

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The duration of the test is 15 min

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Hearing Screening test

A hearing screening test can tell if you have hearing loss and to what degree. This test is a great first step in determining if you need to do a more in-depth hearing assessment

Usually, the first signs of hearing loss are around the age of 50, but hearing ability can also be reduced in children and young adolescents.

After hearing overload for several years, the hearing system normally begins to no longer perceive high-frequency sounds. Admitting to yourself that you have deafness is never easy, but it is the first step towards improvement.

Hearing test montreal

Assess your hearing

Do you think you have hearing loss?

Hearing test

What is hearing loss?

Hearing loss is characterized by increasing difficulty hearing, interpreting and understanding the sounds around us. Whether mild, moderate, severe or profound, hearing loss can quickly put a person in a situation of disability. Hearing loss is usually related to aging, but there are many causes and factors that can trigger or even worsen a hearing loss.


First, the hearing care professional will ask you questions about your hearing. Do you have difficulty hearing? Under what circumstances do you work? Do you work in noisy environments? Have you ever been exposed to loud noises? Do you have family members with hearing problems? Have you had ear surgery? She will also ask other questions about your general health. This questionnaire, called a case history, is necessary to better identify possible sources of hearing problems.


Next, the audiologist examines your ears with a light instrument called an otoscope. This way, you can see the external ear canal, the eardrum and sometimes even the handle of the hammer attached to the back of the eardrum. He sees if your ear canal is normal, looks at its shape and if it is blocked by wax, dry skin or a foreign body.

Pure tone Audiometry

You will then be invited to a soundproof booth to perform the hearing test. Using headphones or in-ear monitors, based on your response to the instructions, the hearing care professional determines if you can hear medium, high and low notes of different intensities. The hearing threshold is defined as the quietest sound a person hears every other time at the frequencies tested. The results are measured in decibels.

Speech Audiometry

The other test is that you repeat words to see how well you perceive and understand the language at an intensity that you find comfortable. They are positioned from behind or from the side so that you cannot see the hearing care professional. It will be impossible to read lips in order to avoid distorting the test. The result of successful words is calculated as a percentage.

Help a friend or family member

If you wish to help a loved one (family or friend), contact us!

Advice for relatives: you can help too

Support people with hearing problems:

  • Stay informed about the symptoms that may occur in deafness.
  • If you see any signs of hearing loss in your partner or loved one, bring it up calmly. Offer to help them with the next steps or do an online hearing test together.
  • If a doctor establishes the presence of hearing loss and prescribes hearing aids, you can encourage the affected person in their decision about which device to choose. Doubts can arise just during the adaptation period: – your motivation can help!
  • People with hearing loss understand a conversation best when it is face-to-face in a calm, clear and concise manner. Pay attention to this.
  • If the other person does not understand you, it is better that you rephrase what you say instead of repeating the same words over and over again.
  • Patience and understanding are the best help you can give to your loved ones during this time
montreal hearing test

The consequences of untreated hearing loss

Some of the more common consequences are: Fatigue, headaches, tinnitus, stress, hypertension, diabetes, loss of balance, compromised mental acuity, loss of senses, cognitive decline, depression, problems concentrating, feeling ashamed, loss of confidence , isolation and progressive difficulties in communicating. The consequences of untreated hearing loss are numerous and can be difficult for the sufferer. This is why it is strongly recommended to treat hearing problems early by testing your hearing.

A doubt about your hearing? Hearing loss? Tinnitus? Need hearing aids? Your hearing is important to me and I will be happy to take care of you. My approach with each patient is personalized and unique.

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